EcoInternet Pilot Study Report 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic unequivocally demonstrated that the Internet is and will likely continue to be the core and critical infrastructure for human cooperation and communication globally. The lockdowns around the world during the pandemic, has also shown that on one hand, as physical mobility was curtailed, global CO2 emissions experienced the largest decline ever recorded, but on the other hand, digital mobility became imperative, carbon footprint of the Internet becomes an essential topic of consideration.
Beginning in 2020, DotAsia and APNIC Foundation have been exploring ways to advocate for multistakeholder discussions about the matter of Internet’s impact on climate change, among the Internet Governance community and beyond. In 2021, with funding by Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hong Kong, this research project began with a pilot study on the carbon footprint of the Internet and its impact on the environment. We are at a critical time for digital communities to reflect on and monitor the expansion of the Internet, connecting with carbon footprint initiatives to develop concepts, tools and Internet governance policies, in order to tackle climate change and recovery plans. There is a strong need to increase awareness and proactivity among policymakers and developers and it is crucial to urge governments and the industry to prioritize the imperatives of climate change and environmental sustainability in future planning. Effective measures by multiple sectors on curbing digital carbon footprint are necessary to make a difference in global scale.
Check out the full report here!

ICANNwiki interviews Ajitora @ ICANN Marrakech
It’s Aji here, telling you all about my second ICANN meeting – RRRAO~!! Morocco is such an amazing country, all the SIGHTS and SMELLS and SOUNDS are super cool. Marrakech is known as the Red City because of its famed red walls that surround the Medina.

Himalayas – BORN TO BE FREE!
RRAO! It’s me Ajitora! The one and only cyber tiger that was born on the INTERNET! Yup, I’m a panther cybernetica (a proper Latin name is a must!). I bet you didn’t know how the internet birthed a tiger like me? And did I swim around in little bits and bytes of data before popping out into the world?

Meeting the Father of the Internet – Vint Cerf!
A big part of being at the IGF Joao Pessoa is meeting all the people who care passionately about the internet: how it's being shaped, the policies behind it, the constantly developing technology, and the human-aspect of it all. One person who we can truly say was at...

It’s CyberMonday!
#CyberMonday in the US is all about getting online deals, but in the spirit of the UN #SDG ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ let’s reclaim the day to celebrate #cyberspace.

Madloween: Ajitora and MAD!
Pop quiz!! What’s October 31st’s significance? Yes, it’s Hallowe’en – but in 2015, it was the day I first stepped out onto the streets of Hong Kong! I was so honored to have little tiger cubs from around the city join me while we danced and performed for delighted passers-by!

Brazil and IGF2015 part 1
BRAZIL! Land of Sun, Friendship, Samba and Football!!! After my debut in Dublin, Ireland at ICANN54, Brazil is the second official work trip for me, Aji-the-RRAOsome tiger! First stop was the capital city of Brasil, olá a partir de Brasília! Did you know that Brasília...

Hey! I’ll be texting about my events (prior and in real-time) right here… So watch this space for my updates! (And if you’d like to meet me, fill out the form below.)

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